Stubel Suites & Café
We offer a wide range of services so that you can enjoy your stay with no worries. Start your day with our American-style buffet breakfast, including 100% Ecuadorian coffee. If you are travelling for business, in Stubel Suites you will find everything to work properly and undisturbedly. Benefit from our free Wi-Fi connection and the spaces reserved for professional meetings.
Relax and get away from your routine in our sauna or doing some sport at the gym, both services are free for our guests and they are available 24 hours.
If you need an extra dose of wellness, we also propose a service of relaxing and deep tissue massages. Check the treatments here.
*The times for massages is from 8 am to 9 pm.
*Children under 12 stay for free. Children over 12: € 14.64 VAT included.
*Pets not allowed.